
“Oasis” Quiet Day

OASIS – A Quiet Day for Lent
The next OASIS Quiet Day will be at St James on Wednesday 14th March,
10.30am – 3.00pm
Coffee will be served in the hall from 10.00am
The Quiet Day will begin at 10.30am with a very short act of worship in church –
words, music and images to inspire and to reflect on. The day is then free for
relaxation, reading, praying and just feeling close to God in a quiet, safe place.
Lunchtime 12.00—1.00pm. Please bring a packed lunch and enjoy fellowship
with friends, old and new.
Following a further time of Quiet, the day will end with a simple
service of Holy Communion, lead by Rev Peter and based on the Iona
Come and join us!
For further details please contact:
Christine Woods – 01484 852268
Jenny Mathers – 01484 85083