
“Oasis” Quiet Day

OASIS – A Quiet Day
Wednesday 19th September at St James’s Church Meltham Mills.
Coffee from 10.00am.
The Quiet Day begins at 10.30 and ends by 3.00pm.
Lunch and Fellowship from 12.00 – 1.00pm (Please bring a packed lunch.)
The Day provides an opportunity to be away from the stresses of everyday life.
There will be some inspiring music; images and words but most of all there will be
Quiet; Peace and Time to rest.
Nothing will be asked of you – no singing; no questions; no interactive activities.
Come and go as you wish – there is no pressure to stay all day.
The Day is yours – a Day to read; write; pray; think; be at Peace.
More information from Christine Woods: 852268 or Jenny Mathers 850839