
Weekly News – w/c Mon 9th July

PLEASE PRAY for all those who work in our National Health Service as we celebrate its 70th birthday. Borrowing some words published this week by the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity Romans 13:7 says: ‘Give to everyone what you owe them: if you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honour, then honour.’ Paying taxes is an intrinsic part of discipleship, not only because it’s a legal requirement, but because in the UK our taxes are used to meet the needs of the sick, the dying, the very young, the elderly, and the disabled – care of whom is a mark of true faith (James 2:14-17). May we gladly pay our taxes as a mark of true faith to show our love for our neighbour.

READ THE GOOD NEWS – Mark 6, 1-­13
Jesus found it was challenging to be a prophet and teaching amongst his own people. Help us to find a way to share your Good News for all people in places where we can be heard.


Monday 9th July
9.30am Morning Prayer, Christ Church

Tuesday 10th July
9.30am Morning Prayer, St Mary’s
1.30pm Songs of Praise, Greenacres

Wednesday 11th July
09.00am BCP Holy Communion, St Barts
10.00am Meltham Churches Together Prayers for the Community, St Barts

09.30am Morning Worship, St Bart’s
09:30am Morning Worship/Meditation, St James’
11.15am Animal Service, St Mary’s
11.15am Holy Communion, Christ Church

Other dates for your diary
Friday 13th July
10am -­ 12 St James’, Community Card Group
10.30am -­ 12 St Bart’s, Coffee and Chat.