
An evening with Mick Pease – Tues 15th Oct

Come drink, listen, learn and share on Tuesday 15th October – 8:15pm at the Waggon & Horses #Meltham. All welcome for this informal evening with Mick Pease which is sure to be most interesting. He’s just written his life story and he’s well worth listening to – bring friends too!

Mick was a miner who changed jobs and worked as a social worker with local government children’s services, mainly in Leeds for 37 years, predominantly in child protection, fostering and adoption.

In 1997 Mick and Brenda, his wife, volunteered with a children’s mission in Sao Paulo, Brazil for 12 months. Children of all ages were placed in an institution and Mick could not ignore the fact that most of them could and should be living with families, not in institutions. Whilst in Brazil he met Baroness Caroline Cox from UK House of Lords who suggested that he raise the possibility of foster care in Brazil! SFAC – Strengthening Families for Abandoned Children was born out of that discussion.

Mick’s passion is to see children in families, not institutions (Psalm 68:6). He believes that children should be supported to remain with their family and community but when separation is unavoidable they should be placed with safe and suitable extended family members or foster carers.