
Parish Magazine – May 2022

Welcome to the May edition of the #Meltham Parish Magazine, and what an Easter filled edition it is!
Easter was so lovely this year to be able to get out and show Christ’s ‘Real Love’ for us all. You can read about it on pages 8&9. Ever wanted to know what is involved in ringing the church bells? Well turn to pages 12 & 13 to find out!
Also a last minute article on some social history documents on St James’ Church that was shown to the vicarage is on the centre page.

Thank you to all who have contributed with this issue, especially all your little ’Thank you’s’ really do show the church community working together. It really wouldn’t be the magazine it is without your input.

All contributions are considered both big and small, so please do send them in.

The next deadline for the June magazine will be:
Monday 16th May 2022
Please send them via or via the vicarage letterbox.
(150 Huddersfield Rd, HD9 4AL)

God Bless,