
Parish Magazine – June / July 2024

Welcome to our June / July Parish Magazine. What jam packed edition we have for you! Lots of interesting articles including a note from our treasurer (pg 25), an update from Teams4U (page 24) a lovely thought from Jean W on the centre page. Please also note (pg 17) that 30th June will be a special Parish Communion
with a celebration afterwards. Can’t wait!

Also a BIG congratulations goes to our Simon Ball for receiving a Pride of Meltham award. Thank you for all you do for this parish, you truly are a star!

I’m sorry I couldn’t fit in a bigger acknowledgement there’s just so much to fit in this month! Again, I am so thankful for all your wonderful contributions for this edition. It has made my job so much easier and I think makes a fantastic issue.

Please continue to send them in. The deadline of the August / September magazine will be earlier due to school holidays:
Monday 15th July 2024 – Please send submissions via or via the vicarage letterbox.
(150 Huddersfield Rd, HD9 4AL)

God Bless, Fiona.