
Weekly News – w/c Mon 30 July

PLEASE PRAY for those affected by the fires in Greece, Latvia, Sweden and many other countries at this time. For those who have suffered, lost loved ones, possessions and their livelihoods. Pray for the fire-­fighters, soldiers, paramedics and all those doing what they can to help in the situation and try to control the blazes. For the long recovery that is ahead of them as they start to restore what has been lost.

READ THE GOOD NEWS – John 6.1-­21
Let us be reminded of the miracles in our own lives and around the world, of God’s provisions for us, big and small, every day, as well as the ones written here that we read and know so well.


Monday 30th July
9.30am -­ Morning Prayer, Christ Church

Tuesday 31st July
9.30am -­ Morning Prayer, St Mary’s

Wednesday 1st August
09.00am -­ BCP Holy Communion, St Bart’s
10.00am -­ Meltham Churches Together Prayers for the Community, St Bart’s

NEXT SUNDAY 5th August
9.30am -­ Holy Communion at St James, Meltham Mills
11.15am -­ Holy Communion at Christ Church, Helme

Other dates for your diary
Tuesday 31st July
7.30pm -­ St Bart’s Women’s Fellowship

Friday 6th August
9am–3pm St James’ Operation Christmas Child working group
10am-­12pm St James’, Community Card Group
10.30am-­12pm St Bart’s, Coffee and Chat.

Please send all weekly news entries to Amelia at