
Ash Wednesday Services

Lent this year will begin with two Ash Wednesday communion services on the 6th of March. The first being at our usual BCP service at 9:00am and the second being at 7:00pm, both being at St Bartholomew’s and open to the whole parish. Please come along and join us as we start our lenten journey together.

Over the years Lent has been seen in different ways as our needs as a Church, and as a society, have changed but it remains a penitential season. Traditionally this has meant that we are to spend time examining ourselves to identify those things that we have allowed to come between ourselves and God so that we can repent. To really understand how best to make use of Lent we need to understand that there are three parts to the act of repentance. We often focus on the first two parts which are, identifying the wrong things in our life and saying sorry for those things. Of course, I wouldn’t want to underplay the importance of these two parts, the third part simply can’t happen without them. But it is important that our repenting is completed. After we have turned away from those wrong things in our lives and said sorry, we need the third part which is to put our back to them and turn to God.
Putting this rather simply if you believe you eat too much chocolate and choose to give this up for lent then, every time you would have eaten chocolate you will feel hungry and will feel tempted to eat chocolate. Turning to something good like eating a piece of fruit will stop you feeling hungry and reduce the temptation to eat chocolate.
Perhaps, this is why many people in recent years have begun to take up a good thing for Lent, rather than giving up a bad thing.
As Christians this act of taking up something for Lent should be about finding a way to spend more time with God and drawing closer to him, something we hope will extend far beyond Easter Sunday!

God bless
Rev’d John

Weekly News – w/c Mon 4th March

PLEASE PRAY for our young people, pray protection over them, pray for them to make wise choices, not succumbing to ways of the world but standing firm in God’s love and plan for their lives.

READ THE GOOD NEWS – Luke 9:28-36 – Let us seek God so intentionally and fervently during our quiet times with Him, that our faces and appearance change too. Not necessarily physically, but spiritually glowing as we encounter Him and His Spirit.


Monday 4th March
9.30am – Morning Prayer, Christ Church

Tuesday 5th March
9.30am – Morning Prayer, St Mary’s

Wednesday 6th March
9.00am – Ash Wednesday Holy Communion, St Bartholomew’s
10.00am – Meltham Churches Together Prayers for the Community, St Bartholomew’s
7.00pm – Ash Wednesday Parish Holy Communion, St Bartholomew’s

St Bartholomew’s, 9.30am – Holy Communion
St James’, 9.30am – Holy Communion
Christ Church, 11.15am – Service of the Word
St Mary’s, 11.15am – Holy Communion

Lent 2019 – from Monday 11th March Meltham Churches Together will be running ecumenical home study groups on 4 different days each week, for 5 weeks in Lent.
We will be following the New York Course ‘Daring to see God now’. If you would like to join a group, please sign the green ‘sign up’ sheets in each church, the Crossroads Shop or Crossroads Centre. All are welcome. For more information, please speak to Jean Burhouse.

Meltham Mustard Seed AGM – Wednesday 13th March – Come and hear a first hand report from Kyema, Uganda, by Jane Collins. 7.30pm at Meltham Methodist Church

Please note – The Church Growth & Development Meeting has now moved the 4th Wednesday of each month, rather than the 1st. It will meet 27th March, 7.30pm at The Vicarage.

Please send all weekly news entries to Amelia at

Weekly News – w/c 25th February

PLEASE PRAY for yourselves. Sometimes we focus so much on what is going on around us and for others who we care about that we neglect to pray for our own health – physical and spiritual. Pray for a renewing of strength, passion and closeness to God. Ask Him to identify our weaknesses and how we can better ourselves as we serve Him.

READ THE GOOD NEWS – Genesis 2:4-9 – As Spring approaches, let us be reminded of and thankful to God for His creation. As the colours from the daffodils, trees and sky start to shine a little brighter, let us seek to see God in all things, especially in the beauty of His creation.


Monday 25th February
9.30am – Morning Prayer, Christ Church

Tuesday 26th February
9.30am – Morning Prayer, St Mary’s

Wednesday 27th February
9.00am – BCP Holy Communion, St Bartholomew’s
10.00am – Meltham Churches Together Prayers for the Community, St Bartholomew’s

St Bartholomew’s, 9.30am – Holy Communion
St James’, 9.30am – Service of the Word
Christ Church, 11.15am – Holy Communion
St Mary’s, 11.15am – Service of the Word

Monday 25th February – “Journeys” – 7.00pm at St James Church, Meltham Mills. For more information please speak to Rev John Dracup.
Tuesday 26th February – St Bartholomew’s Women’s Fellowship – Sandie Nicholson will be showing slides of local scenes. 2.00pm in church.
Friday 1st March – World Day of Prayer Service at St Bartholomew’s Church, 2.00pm. Followed by refreshments to help raise donations for the Hospice Support Group
Lent 2019 – from Monday 11th March – Meltham Churches Together will be running ecumenical home study groups on 4 different days each week, for 5 weeks in Lent. We will be following the New York Course ‘Daring to see God now’. If you would like to join a group, please sign the green ‘sign up’ sheets in each church, the Crossroads Shop or Crossroads Centre. All are welcome. For more information, please speak to Jean Burhouse.

Please send all weekly news entries to Amelia at

Weekly News – w/c 18 Feb 2019

PLEASE PRAY for Libby Squire, her family, her friends, the police and all involved. Libby, is a student who has been missing since 31st January, in Hull. Please pray that a resolution is found and for her family during such a difficult and traumatic time.

READ THE GOOD NEWS – Luke 8:22-25 Jesus calms the storm – “Where is your faith?” He asked His disciples.’ During storms in our own lives, let us ask ourselves the same question ‘where is my faith in this situation?’

Monday 18th February
9.30am – Morning Prayer, Christ Church

Tuesday 19th February
9.30am – Morning Prayer, St Mary’s

Wednesday 20th February
9.00am – BCP Holy Communion, St Bartholomew’s
10.00am – Meltham Churches Together Prayers for the Community, St Bartholomew’s

St Bartholomew’s, 9.30am – Holy Communion
St James’, 9.30am – Holy Communion
Christ Church, 11.15am – Service of the Word
St Mary’s, 11.15am – Holy Communion

Monday 18th February – “Journeys” – Our weekly course continues, this week discussing “Does God have real power to change things?”
7.00pm at St James Church, Meltham Mills. For more information please speak to Rev John Dracup.

Lent 2019 – from Monday 11th March
As in previous years Meltham Churches Together will be running ecumenical home study groups on 4 different days each week, for 5 weeks in Lent.
We will be following the New York Course ‘Daring to see God now’. If you would like to join a group, please sign the green ‘sign up’ sheets
in each church, the Crossroads Show or Crossroads Centre. This helps us to know how many resources booklets are required, however you are welcome to join a group at any time throughout Lent. For more information, please speak to Jean Burhouse.

Invest in Love: A Lent Prayer Journey – from Monday 6th March. LICC offers a daily prayer focus during the time of Lent. To subscribe, please visit

A little note from Arnold Lodge’s daughter, Jenny – visitors would be welcome to come and see Arnold at this time. Please do pop in to say hello and cheer him up. It would really be appreciated to see some friendly faces from the village. Thank you!

Weekly News – w/c 11th Feb 2019

PLEASE PRAY for opportunity to share Jesus with others. Pray for chance conversations and meetings to take place. To be able to share the gift
of life that we know and live with others. Jesus has blessed us with His joy, peace and love, let us be inspired to share that with other people, and not keep it to ourselves.

READ THE GOOD NEWS – Luke 5:1-7 – Do you every feel like you’re waiting is never ending, prayer is being unanswered or your efforts seem tiresome? Is God telling you to cast your nets to the other side and to trust Him?

Monday 11th February
9.30am – Morning Prayer, Christ Church

Tuesday 12th February
9.30am – Morning Prayer, St Mary’s

Wednesday 13th February
9.00am – BCP Holy Communion, St Bartholomew’s
10.00am – Meltham Churches Together Prayers for the Community, St Bartholomew’s

St Bartholomew’s, 9.30am – Holy Communion
St James’, 9.30am – Service of the Word
Christ Church, 11.15am – Holy Communion
St Mary’s, 11.15am – Service of the Word

Monday 11th February – “Journeys” – Our weekly course continues, this week discussing “Does this faith thing work in real life?”
7.00pm at St James Church, Meltham Mills. For more information please speak to Rev John Dracup.

Wednesday 13th February – St Bartholomew’s DCC Meeting at the church, 7.30pm
Wednesday 20th February – Church Hall AGM, 7.30pm. For the Church Hall Committee. Nomination forms can be obtained by ringing 07860636931 and must be returned by Wednesday 13th February.

Please send all weekly news entries to Amelia at

Weekly News – w/c 4th Feb 2019

PLEASE PRAY for our retired Clergy and their families. Serving so faithfully and fervently, pray for their health and protection, for them and their family members. Be thankful for all they have done and continue to do for our Parish and community.

READ THE GOOD NEWS – Luke 2.22-40 – As Simeon was promised that he would see the Lord’s Messiah during his life. Let us be inspired by him to pray that we would see revival among our nation, through Jesus Christ, during our lifetime too. “Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you may
now dismiss your servant in peace. For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all nations; A light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel.”

Monday 4th February
9.30am – Morning Prayer, Christ Church

Tuesday 5th February
9.30am – Morning Prayer, St Mary’s

Wednesday 6th February
9.00am – BCP Holy Communion, St Bartholomew’s
10.00am – Meltham Churches Together Prayers for the Community, St Bartholomew’s

St Bartholomew’s, 9.30am – Holy Communion
St James’, 9.30am – Holy Communion
5.00pm – 5 Alive
Christ Church, 11.15am – Service of the Word
St Mary’s, 11.15am – Holy Communion

Monday 4th February – “Journeys”
Our weekly course continues which helps us to find out more about Jesus, to explore and deepen our own personal faith and learn how to put that faith it into words. 7.00 – 8.30pm each Monday, at St James’ Church, Meltham Mills. For more information please speak to Rev John Dracup.

Wednesday 6th February – Growth & Development Meeting
7.30 – 9.00pm at The Vicarage

Please send all weekly news entries to Amelia at

Weekly News – w/c 28 Jan 2019

PLEASE PRAY for conviction. In a world that is changing so quickly around us, pray that we as Christian’s would have a high conviction against what is not of God. And that He would help us and strengthen us not to conform, but to be transformed by His Holy Spirit.

READ THE GOOD NEWS – Luke 4:14-21 Let us be so familiar with His word, reading and feeding from it daily, that like in this passage when scripture is fulfilled, we would not miss it, but have our eyes set firmly on Jesus.


Monday 28th January
9.30am – Morning Prayer, Christ Church

Tuesday 29th January
9.30am – Morning Prayer, St Mary’s

Wednesday 30th January
9.00am – BCP Holy Communion, St Bartholomew’s
10.00am – Meltham Churches Together Prayers for the Community, St Bartholomew’s

St Bartholomew’s, 9.30am – Holy Communion
St James’, 9.30am – Service of the Word
Christ Church, 11.15am – Service of the Word
St Mary’s, 11.15am – Holy Communion

Monday 28th January – “Journeys” – A five week course which helps us to find out more about Jesus, to explore and deepen our own personal faith and learn how to put that faith it into words. 7.00 – 8.30pm each Monday, at St James’ Church, Meltham Mills.

For more information please speak to Rev John Dracup.

Tuesday 29th January – St Bartholomew’s Women’s Fellowship AGM in St Bartholomew’s Church, 2.00pm
Wednesday 6th – Saturday 9th February – Robin Hood – The Pantomime – Presented by The Stage Company at Meltham Church Hall, 7.15pm (1.15pm & 6.30pm Saturday only). Tickets available from The Flower Box or Tel: 684998
Adults – £7 / Concessions – £5

Please send all weekly news entries to Amelia at