
Weekly News – w/c 18 Feb 2019

PLEASE PRAY for Libby Squire, her family, her friends, the police and all involved. Libby, is a student who has been missing since 31st January, in Hull. Please pray that a resolution is found and for her family during such a difficult and traumatic time.

READ THE GOOD NEWS – Luke 8:22-25 Jesus calms the storm – “Where is your faith?” He asked His disciples.’ During storms in our own lives, let us ask ourselves the same question ‘where is my faith in this situation?’

Monday 18th February
9.30am – Morning Prayer, Christ Church

Tuesday 19th February
9.30am – Morning Prayer, St Mary’s

Wednesday 20th February
9.00am – BCP Holy Communion, St Bartholomew’s
10.00am – Meltham Churches Together Prayers for the Community, St Bartholomew’s

St Bartholomew’s, 9.30am – Holy Communion
St James’, 9.30am – Holy Communion
Christ Church, 11.15am – Service of the Word
St Mary’s, 11.15am – Holy Communion

Monday 18th February – “Journeys” – Our weekly course continues, this week discussing “Does God have real power to change things?”
7.00pm at St James Church, Meltham Mills. For more information please speak to Rev John Dracup.

Lent 2019 – from Monday 11th March
As in previous years Meltham Churches Together will be running ecumenical home study groups on 4 different days each week, for 5 weeks in Lent.
We will be following the New York Course ‘Daring to see God now’. If you would like to join a group, please sign the green ‘sign up’ sheets
in each church, the Crossroads Show or Crossroads Centre. This helps us to know how many resources booklets are required, however you are welcome to join a group at any time throughout Lent. For more information, please speak to Jean Burhouse.

Invest in Love: A Lent Prayer Journey – from Monday 6th March. LICC offers a daily prayer focus during the time of Lent. To subscribe, please visit

A little note from Arnold Lodge’s daughter, Jenny – visitors would be welcome to come and see Arnold at this time. Please do pop in to say hello and cheer him up. It would really be appreciated to see some friendly faces from the village. Thank you!